Sunrise Intelligence

by Sunrise Medical (US)



The Intelligent Fleet Smart Device and app collectdiagnostic data from your wheelchair, transmit that datadirectly to a web-based server, and update settings withinthe Smart Device to tailor the data collection to yourspecific wheelchair.Key Features:• Using Wi-Fi network communication technology, yourIntelligent Fleet Smart Device will transmit diagnosticwheelchair data to the web-based server automatically,as long as the Smart Device has a connection to a Wi-Finetwork.• Using Bluetooth communication technology, yourIntelligent Fleet Smart Device will communicate with theIntelligent Fleet app to setup the Smart Device andupdate individual settings, specific to your wheelchair.• The diagnostic data collected by the Intelligent FleetSmart Device will provide a historical record to your dealerthat will assist your dealer in diagnosing wheelchair issuesmore efficiently.• The diagnostic data will support the goal of reducingtime to resolve wheelchair field issues, reducing overalltechnician visits, and provide data to improve the user/dealerrelationship.• The diagnostic data collected by the Intelligent FleetSmart Device will be secure by attaching no clientpersonal data to the diagnostic data and have a limitedset of individuals who are granted access to thatdiagnostic data.